[Fontforge-devel] Mac Command key problem in new version
Jason Pagura
2008-09-30 21:36:16 UTC
The change log for the latest version (I'm using
FontForge_macX.4_py2.3-20080927) indicates the following:
• Change the menu handler so it can draw mac menu icons (cloverleaf
for command, up arrow for shift, ^ for control and weird squiggly for

• Remove the hack that if the modifier mask for the command key was
set then we'd also set the control mask (this meant that the command
key would work as control, but it meant it could only work as

• Let the command key work as itself, and put in special code to check
whether X11 is going to give us the command key (or will that key be
used in the X11's own menubar). If we get command then we load a
special set of keymap bindings (which, presumably, will use command).
If we don't find a special set of keymaps, then fall back on normal
So I've installed this new version and my command key no longer works
and ^ rather than the cloverleafs appear in the menus. Is there a
preference I have to tick either in X11 or FontForge in order to get
it working again?

The "Enable Keyboard Shortcuts under X11" pref from X11 seems to not
correct this situation in either position. Rather, it switches between
activating the X11 menu shortcuts and acting as if no modifier key is
held at all. That is, when I strike command-M, the active window
minimizes when this pref is on, and the selected glyph changes to "m"
when it's off, whereas before this would activate the Merge Points

The control key functions as indicated by ^ in the menus, so I can
still work with that, but it is an inconvenience in retraining my
fingers to reach a different modifier key.
Jason Pagura
zimbach at gmail dot com
George Williams
2008-10-01 14:34:50 UTC
Post by Jason Pagura
So I've installed this new version and my command key no longer works
and ^ rather than the cloverleafs appear in the menus. Is there a
preference I have to tick either in X11 or FontForge in order to get
it working again?
Yes. This is explained in the read me.
Post by Jason Pagura
The "Enable Keyboard Shortcuts under X11" pref from X11 seems to not
correct this situation in either position.
It works fine for me.
However you have to set it before you start fontforge.

Potential problems:
Do you set the locale?
Look in /usr/local/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
Do you have a file Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts.mo

How did you do the install?
Jason Pagura
2008-10-02 00:16:20 UTC
Post by George Williams
Post by Jason Pagura
So I've installed this new version and my command key no longer works
and ^ rather than the cloverleafs appear in the menus. Is there a
preference I have to tick either in X11 or FontForge in order to get
it working again?
Yes. This is explained in the read me.
Post by Jason Pagura
The "Enable Keyboard Shortcuts under X11" pref from X11 seems to not
correct this situation in either position.
It works fine for me.
However you have to set it before you start fontforge.
Do you set the locale?
Look in /usr/local/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
Do you have a file Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts.mo
How did you do the install?
George Williams
2008-10-02 13:49:50 UTC
I haven't been able to find that file,
Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts.mo, but that's probably because I've
looked for it in the Finder. Are the X11 libraries stored in some
secret thing the Finder can't access? I don't mean to sound stupid,
I'm just unsophisticated with this Unix stuff.
And I'm unsophisticated on the mac.
I have noticed that the find command in the finder is unable to find lots of
stuff in the file system. I guess it assumes most people aren't interested in
unix configuration files.

I gave a fully qualified pathspec. You don't need to find the file, all you need
to do is open an xterm (or terminal) and type
$ ls /usr/local/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
Pierre Marchand
2008-10-02 14:07:11 UTC
I’ve seen Fontforge available with Macport, perhaps a way to get it without

my 2 cts
Pierre Marchand
Jason Pagura
2008-10-02 17:23:10 UTC
Post by George Williams
I gave a fully qualified pathspec. You don't need to find the file, all you need
to do is open an xterm (or terminal) and type
$ ls /usr/local/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
OK. I did that in Terminal.
Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts.mo is present.
Jason Pagura
zimbach at gmail dot com
Jason Pagura
2008-10-30 03:04:36 UTC
After using the new feature a while I've found a curious discrepancy:

While the command key shortcuts work as they should on windows with a
menu bar at the top (e.g., the font, glyph, and metrics views), they
do not work in dialog windows without menu bars, such as the save,
font info, and glyph info dialogs, et al. However, ctrl key
equivalents DO work in these windows. For the most part only the basic
text handling shortcuts are needed in those windows. For Mac these are
typically as follows: cmd-a=Select All, cmd-c=Copy, cmd-v=Paste,
cmd-x=Cut, cmd-z=Undo, cmd-.(period)=cancel/dismiss/done.

Also the usual Mac convention for Close is cmd-w, while in FontForge
it is cmd-shift-q in those windows that have menu bars.

I don't expect everything to be the same from regular Mac environment
to this X11 program, (it plainly and obviously isn't) but these seem
small adjustments.
Post by Jason Pagura
Post by George Williams
I gave a fully qualified pathspec. You don't need to find the file, all you need
to do is open an xterm (or terminal) and type
$ ls /usr/local/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
OK. I did that in Terminal.
Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts.mo is present.
Jason Pagura
zimbach at gmail dot com
Jason Pagura
zimbach at gmail dot com
George Williams
2008-10-31 22:27:09 UTC
Post by Jason Pagura
While the command key shortcuts work as they should on windows with a
menu bar at the top (e.g., the font, glyph, and metrics views), they
do not work in dialog windows without menu bars, such as the save,
font info, and glyph info dialogs, et al. However, ctrl key
equivalents DO work in these windows.
Interesting. I'm not sure I can fix that.
Post by Jason Pagura
Also the usual Mac convention for Close is cmd-w, while in FontForge
it is cmd-shift-q in those windows that have menu bars.
You may change the keybindings for the menus whenever you wish to. I
encourage you to do so. The mechanism is documented
George Williams
2008-11-02 03:29:57 UTC
Post by George Williams
Post by Jason Pagura
While the command key shortcuts work as they should on windows with a
menu bar at the top (e.g., the font, glyph, and metrics views), they
do not work in dialog windows without menu bars, such as the save,
font info, and glyph info dialogs, et al. However, ctrl key
equivalents DO work in these windows.
Interesting. I'm not sure I can fix that.
Should be fixed in the cvs tree now.

George Williams
2008-10-01 18:08:28 UTC
One other possibility. The behavior depends on having gettext which means you
need libintl installed. Fink will do this.
Jason Pagura
2008-10-02 03:14:26 UTC
Post by George Williams
One other possibility. The behavior depends on having gettext which means you
need libintl installed. Fink will do this.
Installing Fink appears to have corrected this problem. Thank you.
Jason Pagura
zimbach at gmail dot com